Designer and illustrator
Miki Kadokura studied economy at Rikkyo University in Tokyo. After working at Nobuo Nakagaki design studio, she founded the Japanese-German design unit »The Simple Society« based in Berlin and Tokyo. In 2017, she launched »MIKIKADO«. From developing community-based products to supporting academic research, MIKIKADO continuously transcends existing media domains to make visible the position of things in the context of society. Her projects sometimes verge on performance art, and she has worked with artists, fashion designers, architects, researchers, and publishers. Her core interest is human behavior as a communication code in socially and culturally marginalized groups. In 2013, she won the Good Design Award (Japan).
お重g – ROCKET Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
12 Omokage – Suho Paper Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Simple na Noroi – Pantaloon, Osaka, Japan
Photo Echo – Fort by Port, Tokyo, Japan
Photo: Damien Daufresne (Copyright)
Artist Mission: Our Life Forests (Aging and Entropie)
Ours is a very complex and contrasting image of age(ing): age(ing) is associated, for example, with attributes such as weak, frail, lonely, and sick, but also with wise, enlightened, and free. These contrasting states, which are not mutually exclusive, highlight facets of age(ing) in which society and the individual appear, in a certain way, as separate spheres.
What if, as an experiment, we considered society, the individual, and death as a kind of forest? A forest is a complex living organism, which includes fungi and microorganisms. The entire forest can be considered as a collective life, a collective mind. A single tree feeds its surrounding »children« through an underground microbial network. The death of an old tree eventually gives birth to the next life through decay. This process does not mean dissolution, but a form of energy transfer.
Can’t aging also be seen, in some ways, as a social process of energy and information transfer that occurs slowly but continuously? And what would this mean for our image of age(ing)?
Workshop 1

We, Memory Players 1
Closed event at Caritas & Diakonie
Charcoal is a symbol of condensed time. We draw with charcoal on a large piece of paper. In duet. The participating seniors lead the joint drawing process. With their eyes closed, they draw memories. Their duet partners try to follow or support the movements – like in Aikido or other couple dances. We may find a synchronous moment in the movement. Three to six drawings are our goal. They form the basis for the following workshops.
Photos: TAIFUN (copyright)
→ 360° Video Impressions
Aspects: Social interactions, transgenerational transmission
Workshop 2 (with Yuko Kaseki)

We, Memory Players 2
Wednesday, 11.08.2021
Location and time to be announced
Further information coming soon.
Aspects: Social interactions, transgenerational transmission